Oh my. It has been a very long time since I last posted; even my husband noticed.
Before I had a blog I had all sorts of things to say that seemed terribly important. After the first flush of blog ownership those feelings waned. It is easy to have courage when what you fear is not nearby. It's when it is right in front of you where the real test begins.
It has been a wonderful wedding season for Patina mostly because we have had the most wonderful clients. Really, every last one of them. Truly lovely people who were marrying truly lovely people. I will miss you all.
I listen to the news irregularly now because it is too difficult to follow, requires too much of my soul to endure. When last I did, day before yesterday I believe, I heard this amazing statistic about 1 out of every 46 men in this country do not have a job. It could not have been more stunning. Dustbowls in Texas. Soup kitchens crowded beyond their capacity. The song "Brother Can You Spare A Dime" has rolled across my mind ever since.
But I and those around me are blessed. We eat well, we email. We play with friends or read books. Work hard. We are living normally. How is it that we can do that but there are so very many people who will find this hour this moment insurmountably difficult. It feels like there is a thin membrane between where they are and where we are.
And in the face of it people get engaged. People get married and want to share with everyone this great joy they have found. The indominitable human spirit I guess is at work.
Some pictures to share of the work we have been doing. Hope you enjoy them. They were great fun to do. New Pics for 2011