DIY is the watchword trend for this years weddings. I am seeing some fantastic results out of the efforts some of my clients are making. Really fantastic ideas. There is also a trend towards the vignette centerpiece such as this one.
Vignettes tell a visual story about the couple. Vignettes can create moods of joy, inspire fantasy, express ideas whether lofty or not.
There are some fantastic blogs out there that inspire and inform vignette design? This is a new favorite. This is an old favorite both of these blog spots have provided me and many of my clients with great inspiration and hours of pleasure.
My DIY clients, my "please do it for me clients" and my design associates have universally benefitted from this blog spot. It transforms limited thinking and makes even the most colour shy person brave -The Color Collective. Really.
Though obvious it bears repeating: Color is key. By way of example I remember when my college roomate and I wanted to take a trip together during our summer break. I had a friend in Arizona and she had a friend in Colorado. We were both having a hard time deciding which way to go. She left up to me. No pressure there. When I really thought about it, when I closed my eyes to imagine myself in these places, I realised I wanted to go to places that were filled with Blues , Whites and Greens and not Reds, Oranges and Yellows. It was a visceral decision reached through somewhat unusual means and was very satisfying when I came to my decision. I ended up in Red Yellow and Orange but that is a whole other story.
Now a brief word to those Brides getting married in 2012 who feel their talents lay out side the demands of creative wedding decor - If doing it yourself stresses you out, don't do it. You are not a bridal failure.
By my way of thinking and those who read my postings have seen my write any number of times: your only obligation to your wedding- the singular thing that you must DO it YOURSELF -is to be present in the moment, witnessing from your heart. Live it don't watch it.
Teal or taupe, paper flowers or real, buffet or homestyle in the end all fade from memory. It is your heart that goes on - (oh you know I just had to write that ! Celine).