It is true.
During my Zumba workout today my ankles turned a simple ball change step into an act of folly. I forget. I deny. I fall down. Today I had to face it on the floor. I have week ankles.
Weak ankles are a peculiar malady. I have friends with a bad knee or hip or both and they schedule a procedure to get a new one. Like buying new tires. Chipped a tooth? Get a crown made of gold or porcelain -elegant elements. Squinting at the large print? A new pair of fantastically chic edgy glasses are waiting for you.
(I always need new glasses but not because my eyes get worse).
My Ankles are weak and what solutions are offered to me? No, not beautiful Christian Louboutin high heels to improve posture, strength and appearance of fabulousness nor fantastic chunky Steve Madden motorcycle boots that offer support and the appearance of "don't mess with me". Oh no. Nothing so wonderful. No, I get to write the alphabet. Uh huh!
Lesson: Lift a bare foot and point your toe. Now while focusing on the big toe, move your foot in the air and write the alphabet from A-Z both feet 2x.
I tried it. Fortunately I was alone. It was like when I was learing to juggle or flip an omelete. I felt a bit ridiculous and very uncoordinated. And not a little stupid. But then,I mean, have you every tried to write a capital S in the air with your toe? Now try doing it with your non dominant foot? You have to really concentrate- let me tell you, you can't text or talk while doing it!
There are alternatives I see on the internet. I could lift weights with my feet but then there is a belt involved or some stretchy rubber thing and you need proper positioning and if you knew me you'd know that just seems risky. So I write in the air with my toe. Maybe with practice I could write an air poem...a sonnet to an ankle?
Well I may not get new shoes nor have fabulous new specs to update my image nor less craginess in my teeth to cause my floss to break. But I do have a source of silly amusement to bring a smile on a grey day 2x a day. Hey at least they aren't fat!