When I am arranging flowers for my own pleasure and not for a client who has given me direction on taste and mood and style I can often be found in a quandary of what do I want. This is the same problem I have when faced with having to make a lunch choice. When drawing a blank I start by imagining whether I want to hold my food like a sandwich or cut my food on plate. Do I want hot? Do I want cold? It gets me going in some direction. With flowers picking the container will give me all the direction I need. But how do you pick the container?
First off look at your flowers, look at the colours and with that in mind, pick where you want to put your flowers? (Try to stay out of hot direct sun or heat-the blooms will last longer). Then figure out how large an arrangement the space you have chosen will tolerate.
Then imagine whether this place will be best with tall or medium or short flowers. Remember you can have tall and skinny as well as short and fat.
But here is today's tip: ANYTHING can be a container for flowers. A shoe, a shoe bag, a toy truck, lemons, a cast off drawer from a dresser, a shot glass, oh yes and of course, a vase, basket or pot. If it is for your bathroom, a tissue box with flowers peeking out could be sweet. A window sill in the kitchen? An olive dish with a line of lemons squared off on the bottoms and scooped out in the center will fit just perfectly. Your guest bedroom? An old tool metal or wood tool box, rusted and dented can be re-purposed and look fantastic against springs vibrant tulips. Here are two pix to show you what I mean.
An old log and some branches from up the road and some moss from outside my garage.
A centerpiece for a wedding where the couple met when travelling..thus the old suitcase
Happy Container Hunting!